Sunday, November 27, 2011

4-Egg Broccoli/Cheese Breakfast Scramble

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Nothing powers me up more than a good breakfast. And I definitely need the power when I come home from the fire station in the morning and Lupe, my wife, hands me my honey-do list for the day.

Here is one of my favorite breakfast omelets.....

Broccoli and Cheese Scramble

Here is the recipe: 

Broccoli and Cheese Scramble 

· 4 eggs 
· 1 cup of broccoli cut into small pieces 
· Colby/jack grated cheese 
· Parmesan grated cheese 
· Butter for cooking (gisa) 
· 2 green onions, diced for garnish 

Any leftover meat - gisa this prior to adding in.
Cubed potatoes – ½ in. gisa in butter prior to mixing into omelet


· Prepare the eggs for scrambling in bowl 
· Cut the broccoli up into small pieces, rinse and either steam or microwave maintaining a cooked but not soggy texture. Allow to drain and set aside. 
· Place 2 tbsp of butter into fry pan and heat to medium. 
· Add in eggs, broccoli, Parmesan cheese (to taste) and any meat and other options at this time. 
· Add in salt and freshly grated black pepper to taste. 
· When done plate and sprinkle the Colby/jack cheese over the top. 
· Garnish with the green onions. 
· Microwave prior to serving for 45 seconds. 
· I also like to add in Cholula Hot Sauce when I first add in the eggs and scramble this along with everything else. Almost gives it a Chorizo flavor. Very tasty. Optional. 
Serve along with your other courses and finadenne.

Hope you give this a try. You're sure to enjoy it.

Until next time....

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